February 16, 2013
I’ve reached 20,000 words on Death and Life, which is good. I feel like I’m on the verge of getting this stuck-in-the-mud train finally moving again. But I’ve felt that way before.
Meanwhile, my lingering dissatisfaction with Looming Thunderheads has led me at last to the decision that I will leave that novel aside and rework the entire Redemption Saga series from the beginning. I do not do this lightly. I’ve been toying with the idea for a while, but every attempt to rework the story has led me back to embracing Looming Thunderheads as it stands. Nevertheless, that dissatisfaction lingered.
Part of the problem with scrapping the book was that I love most of it. I want to keep it. There are moments in the story that I need to present in whatever final version of the Redemption Saga I produce. Therefore, I intend to use the Looming Thunderheads manuscripts as a junkyard, pulling scenes and stories to incorporate into the new version. I think this will immensely help the overall story.
But at the moment that project remains only in the planning stage, and my focus ought to remain on Death and Life. I do need to get that one written so I can get it out of my system. That too has been a long-time project, and its original version was a completely different presentation of the same story. Hopefully, as it benefited from reimagining, so too can Redemption.
The Redemption Saga page, the Looming Thunderheads page, and the Current Projects page have all been updated to reflect this decision.
Filed under Death and Life, The Redemption Saga.
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